How to Find the Best Optometrists for Your NeedsHow to Find the Best Optometrists for Your Needs

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How to Find the Best Optometrists for Your Needs

Over the years of dealing with astigmatism, struggling to find stylish spectacles, getting laser surgery and helping my kids through various vision issues, I have learned a lot. I have also learned about the need to find specialists and how to choose the right optometrist for your needs. If you want advice on how to make the most of your optometry care, this blog is dedicated to you. My name is Molly. I love to write. I also love to spend time with my kids and run marathons. I plan to put a lot of research as well as experience into these posts, and I hope you enjoy them enough to share them!

Should You Visit an Optometrist to Test for Glaucoma?

When some people think of glaucoma, they automatically believe that this is a disorder that only affects the elderly but this is grossly incorrect. Certainly, seniors tend to be at a high risk of glaucoma but it is important to note that it can affect individuals of all ages. Hence, you must know how to spot the symptoms of this issue early so that you can seek treatment posthaste. Glaucoma comes about when there is a disproportionate amount of pressure in the eye that eventually affects the optic nerve. When this impairment to the optic nerve is not detected early, it can lead to complete vision loss and this will drastically affect your quality of life. So how can you tell if you should seek intervention? Below are a few of the symptoms to watch out for that would necessitate a visit to an optometrist to test for glaucoma.

Challenges with your eyesight

One of the foremost symptoms indicating the onset of glaucoma is when you begin experiencing issues with your vision. Admittedly, vision problems are associated with a vast range of eye problems but there are two main things that you should be wary of that could be indicative of glaucoma. Firstly, your vision will start to become blurry on a gradual basis, which means the damage to the optic nerve is worsening. Secondly, you could notice that you are losing your peripheral vision. This typically means that you have developed open-angle glaucoma. This issue comes about when there is a blockage in the drainage canals. You should be cognisant of the fact that trouble with your eyesight may develop once glaucoma has advanced. As such, it is advisable to schedule regular check-ups with your optometrist so this problem is caught early.

Rings around lighting

The more fluid pressure pushing against your eye, the higher the chance that your cornea can become inflamed. This inflammation will change the way your cornea perceives illumination. Consequently, you will start to notice rings around any lighting you look at. You may even notice that the halos are a different colour from the light that they surround. In some cases, these halos are accompanied by blurred vision too. Granted, rings around lights is a symptom associated with other eye issues such as cataracts. Nonetheless, it is worth bearing in mind that if this symptom is caused by glaucoma, it will occur suddenly rather than gradually. Hence, the moment you notice your perception of light has changed, it is imperative that you pay a visit to an optometrist. Contact an optometrist for more information.