How to Find the Best Optometrists for Your NeedsHow to Find the Best Optometrists for Your Needs

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How to Find the Best Optometrists for Your Needs

Over the years of dealing with astigmatism, struggling to find stylish spectacles, getting laser surgery and helping my kids through various vision issues, I have learned a lot. I have also learned about the need to find specialists and how to choose the right optometrist for your needs. If you want advice on how to make the most of your optometry care, this blog is dedicated to you. My name is Molly. I love to write. I also love to spend time with my kids and run marathons. I plan to put a lot of research as well as experience into these posts, and I hope you enjoy them enough to share them!

Three Ways To Ensure The Sun Doesn’t Sizzle Your Contact Lenses This Summer

The summer heat is ramping up in Australia, with states like South Australia already experiencing scorching summer temperatures.You have been wearing contacts for six months now, and you are excited about facing your first summer without the annoying encumbrance of wearing glasses while you swim and play a sport. However, summer sun and contact lenses bring a new level of optical danger you need to be aware of. There are three ways you can make sure your first summer wearing contacts is not your last. Read More 

What You Should Know If You’ve Been Told That You May Have a Cataract

It's unfortunate, but as people age various part of the body tend to "slow down" a bit and don't work as well as they used to. This is particularly the case when it comes to your eyesight. Most people will need reading glasses as they get older, but in many people an additional issue will develop in the form of a cataract. If you've been told that you have one of these forming, you may want to know what it's all about and what you can do. Read More